About Me image
Located in Milton Keynes UK, IO92pa square, home of the concrete cows and Bletchley Park.
Got interested in radio and electronics from an early age, my Uncle/Aunt brought me a CB from the USA in mid 70s before there was anyone to really talk to here, and in 1981 got my G6 whilst at Aston University thanks to the Radio Society there. The hobby pretty much lied dormant for me until 2015 when something sparked it back into life.
I am now QRV on most bands from 80m through 13cm and QO-100 although most of my activity is VHF/UHF and I spend a lot of time on the RSGB UKAC contests on Tue/Thu evenings. My home location is poor for VHF/UHF, too low down, electrical noise and trees, so I spend a lot of time operating /P from a nearby hillside. I like to try new things (antennas, modes etc.) and beating personal bests with qso's by meteor scatter or aircraft reflection.
Also check out my local club, MKARS, we are very active both on air and on FaceBook.

Thanks for visiting my site.
73s Tim